And for the Bearing of the Ring against one side of the Glass only at a time, I cannot see, why that should produce any inequality, since all the sides of the Glass have successively the same pressure.
His ratiocination concerning a Glass of 300 foot, is much the same with the former, about the difficulty of working a true surface of a convenient figure; which how considerable both that and his Conclusion thereupon (videl. That we are not to expect Glasses of above 300 or 400 foot long at most, and that neither Matter nor Art will go so far) is, may be judged from what I have newly told you of making any Object-Glass of any Length.
And for his good wishes, that those, who promise to make him see Plants or Animals in the Moon (of which I know not any, that has done so, though perhaps there may be some, not withstanding his Objections, that do not yet think it impossible to be done) had considered, what a Man is able to see with his bare Eye at 60 Leagues diistance: I cannot but return him my wishes, that he would consider the difference between seeing a thing through the Gross and Vaporous Air neer the Earth, and through the Air over our heads: Which, if he observe the Moon in the Horizon, and neer the Zenith with a Telescope, he will experimentally find; and, having done so, he will perhaps not be so diffident in this matter.
Concerning his Advertisement to such, as publish Theories, I find not, that he hath made use of it in his own case. For, in his Theory about Apertures he seems to be very positive, not at all doubting to rely upon it, vid. that the Apertures must be thus and thus in great Glasses, because he had found them so or so in some small ones.
For his Proposal of amendments of some inconveniencies in this way, I return him my thanks; but as to his first I believe, that the matter may be conteined as wel in the Concave Tool, as on the convex Glass. And as to that of 2 Poppet-heads, I do not well understand it, if differing from mine; and the keeping of the Tool upon the Glass with a spring or weigh, must quickly spoyl the whole; since, if either of the Mandrils will easily yield backwards, the regularity of all will be spoiled: and as to the wrigling and playing of the Mandril, I do not at all apprehend it.