The Author shews in this little Tract a way of taking the entire Medulla Spinalis, or Marrow of the Back, out of its Theca or Bony Receptacle, without Laceration; which else happens frequently, both of the Nerves proceeding from it, and of the Coats investing it; not to name other parts of the same. This he affirms to have been put into practice by himself, by a fine Saw and Wedge; which are to be dexterously used: and he produceth accordingly in excellent Cuts, the Representations of the Structure of the said Medulla thus taken out, and the Nerves, thence proceeding; and that of several Animals, Dogs, Swine, Sheep.
He intermixes several Observations, touching the Singleness of this Medulla, against Lindanus and others; its Original, vid. Whether it be the Root of the Brain, or the Brain the Root of it: its difference of Softness and Hardness in several Animals; where he notes, that in Swine it is much softer than in Dogs, &c.
He exhibits also the Arteries, Nerves, and Veins, dispersed through this Medulla, and inquires, Whether the Nerves proceed from the Medulla it self, or its Meninx; and discourses also of the Principle and Distribution of the Nerves; referring for ampler information in this and the other particulars, to that Excellent Book of the Learned Dr. Willis, De Anatome Cerebri.