Astronomers observed also this new Phænomenon, which was called by them Nebulosa in Cingulo Andromedæ. Concerning which, he notes, that the same had been already seen many years before by Simon Marius, vid. An. 1612. when with a Telescope he search'd for the Satellits of Jupiter, and observed their motions; alledging for proof hereof, the said Authors own words, out of his own Book, De Mundo Joviali, publisht An. 1614. And farther shews, that it hath formerly appear'd (about 150. years ago) and been taken notice off by an expert, though Anonymous, Astronomer; whose words he cites out of a Manuscript, brought out of Holland by the Excellent Jacobus Augustus Thuanus, returning from his Embassy to Paris; wherein also was marked the Figure of that Phænomenon, represented in print by our Author: who from all this collects, that, whereas this Star hath been seen formerly, and that 150. years since, but yet neither observed by Hipparchus, nor any other of the Antients, that we can find, nor also in the former Age by Tycho Brahe, nor in our Age, by Bayerus, and appear'd also in the Month of November last (wherein he wrote this Tract) much lessened and obscure, after it had, two years ago, shone very bright; that therefore it must needs appear and dis-appear by turns, like those in the Necks of the Whale and Swan.
II. ENTRIENS sur les Vies et sur les Ouvrages Des plus excellens Peintres, Anciens et Modernes, par Monsieur FELIBIEN.
This Author, having first discoursed of that Royal Pallace the Louvre, and the Designs of finishing it; passes on to the Art of Picturing, and treats of the three principal things, wherein a good Master of the Art must excel, vid. the Composition, Designing, and Laying on of Colours, which done, he ravels into the Origine, and deduces the Progress of Painting, and relates what is most remarkable in the Lives of the Antient Painters: And among many particulars, he observes in the Life of Andreas de Sarte, how difficult it is, to judge well of a Picture; relating, that a Duke of Mantua, having obtained of Clement VII. a Pourtrait of Leo X. which had been done by Raphael Urbin, and was at Florence, those of that Town being unwilling to lose so excellent a