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Numb. 21.



Munday, January 21. 1666.

The Contents.

An Account, formerly promised, of Monsieur Hevelius's Calculation of the late Solar Eclipse's Quantity, Duration, &c.The Figure of the Star in the Constellation of Cygnus, together with the New Star in it, discovered some years ago, and very lately seen again by the same Mr. Hevelius.An extract of a letter, written by Mr. Auzout, concerning a way of his, for taking the Diameters of the Planets, and for knowing the Parallax of the Moon: Giving also a Reason, why in the Solar Eclipse above-mentioned, the Diameter of the Moon did increase about the end.A relation of the loss of the Way to prepare the Bononian Stone for shining.A Description of a Swedish Stone, affording Sulphur, Vitriol, Allum, and Minium.A Relation of the Raining of Ashes.An Extract of a Letter from Rome, rectifying the Relation of Salamanders living in Fire.An Account of several Engagements for Observing of Tydes.Some Suggestions for Remedies against Cold.A Relation of an uncommon Accident in two Aged Persons.An Account of Two Books,I. ISMAELIS BULLIALDI ad Astronomos Monita duo: Primum, de Stella Nova, in Collo Ceti ante aliquot annos visa. Alterum, de Nebulosa Stella in Andromedæ Cinguli parte Borea, ante biennium iterum ortâ.II. ENTRETIENS sur les vies & sur les Ouvrages des plus excellens Peintres, antients & modernes, par M. FELIBIEN.

Monsieur Hevelius's Calculation of the late Solar Eclipse's Quantity, Duration, &c.

THis Calculus was not long since communicated by Monsieur Hevelius in a Letter to the Publisher, as follows,

C c c


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