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8.How the Armenians keep Meat fresh and sweet so long, as 'tis said they do?

9.What Arts or Trades they have worth Learning?

10.Whether there be such a Tree about Damascus, call'd Mouslac, which every year about the Month of December is cut down close by the root, and within four or five Months time shoots up again apace, bringing forth Leaves, Flowers, and Fruit also, and bearing but one Apple (an excellent Fruit) at once?

11.Whether about Reame in the Southern part of Arabia Fælix, there be Grapes without any grains? And whether the people in that Country live, many of them, to a hundred and twenty years, in good health?

12.Whether in Candia there be no poysonous Creatures; and whether those Serpents, that are there, are without poyson?

13.Whether all Fruits, Herbs, Earth, Fountains, are naturally saltish in the Isle of Cyprus? And whether those parts of this Isle, which abound in Cyprus-trees, are more or less healthful, than others?

14.What store of Amianthus there is in Cyprus; and how they work it?

15.Whether Mummies be found in the sands of Arabia, that are the dryed flesh of men buried in those sandy Deserts in travelling? And how they differ in their vertue from the Embalmed ones?

16.Whether the parts about the City of Constantinople or Asia Minor, be as subject to Earth-quakes now, as they have been formerly? And whether the Eastern winds do not Plague the said City with Mists, and cause that inconstancy of Weather, it is said to be subject to?

17.Whether the Earth-quakes in Zant and Cephalonia be so frequent, as now and then to happen nine or ten times a Month? And whether these Isles be not very Cavernous?

18.What is the height of Mount Caucasus, its position, temper in its several parts, &c?

19.With what declivity the Water runs out of the Euxine-Sea into the Propontis? With what depth? And if the many Tides and Eddies, so famous by the name of the Euripi, have any certain Period?

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