of; commodiously to handle a Tube of that length?
2. Whether the same have the Art (as has been written from Paris) to make such Glass, as is not at all inferior to Venice-glass, and exceeds any plate of Glass, hitherto made there, twice or thrice in bigness?
3. What is the way of making Pot-ashes in Poland?
4. What is to be observed about Succinum or Amber? whether it be an Exsudation of the Sea? whether it be seen to float upon the surface of the Sea? whether it be soft, when 'tis first cast on shore? At what season of the year, and in what manner 'tis taken up, &c?.
5. What is to be observ'd in the Digging of Sal Gemmæ in Poland? what is the Depth of the Mines, stored with this Salt? what their distance from the Sea, &c?
6. What truth there is in that Relation concerning Swallows being found in Winter under waters congealed, and reviving, if they be fish'd and held to the fire?
7. Whether there be in the Bodnick Bay a Whirl-pool, as is related to be in the Sea of Norway, which is commonly call'd. the Maal-stroom? And whether there be any Signs, that speak the communication of those Gulphs by subterraneous passages; as the Jesuit Kircher affirms in his Mundus Subterraneus T. 1. p. 146?
8. To what depth the Cold in those parts peirces the Earth and Water?
9. Whether their Watches go slower by the intense cold?
10. Whether their Oyls in hard frosts are turn'd into true, that is, hard and britle, Ice?
11. Whether they can freeze there a strong Brine of Bay-Salt; and a strong Decoction of Sal Gemmæ, or Soot; or a strong Solution of Salt of Tartar, or of Sugar of Lead?
12. Whether they can congeal meer Blood, all the serous part thereof being sever'd? Item, Canary Wine; the Lixiviums of Soap-boylers, and such as are prepared of other Salts; as also, the Spirits extracted out of Salts, as Spirit of Vitriol, Nitre, &c?
13. Whether an intense and lasting Frost makes any alteration in Quick-silver, exposed very shallow in a flat Vessel.
14. Whether the Purgative virtue of Catharticks be increased or lessened, or even totally destroy'd by a strong and continued Cold?
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