of the Tree, hath contracted a petrified Crust, about the, thickness of shilling, all over the woody part Within the Bark; the Marks of the Axe also remaining very conspicuous, with this petrified crust upon it. By what means it should thus happen, cannot well be conceived, in regard there is no water neer it; the part, above the ground and out of the weather; the Tree yet growing: unless being cut at some season, when the sap was flowing, the owsing of the sap might become petrified by the Air, and the Tree grow rotten and hollow inward since that time; which how long since, is not known.
A piece of that part cut, was presented, together with this Account, to the said Society, for their Repository.
Articles of Inquiries touching Mines.
What the Honourable Robert Boyle gave the Reader cause to hope for, in Numb. 11. when he was pleased to impart those General Heads for a Natural History of a Country, there publish'd; He is not un-mindful to perform, by enlarging them as occasion serves, with Particular and Subordinate Inquiries. Here he gratifies the Curious with a considerable Set of Inquiries about Mines: which though unfinish'd, yet the publisher, was instant to obtain their present Publication, to the end, that he might the more conveniently recommend them to several Forreigners of his Acquaintance, now ready to return to their several Countryes, which he understands to abound in Mines; and from the Curious Inhabitants whereof he expects to receive a good Accompt upon some at least of these Inquiries; which also by several of them have been earnestly desired, as Instructions, to direct them, what Particulars to inquire after upon this Subject.
These Quæries are reduced by the Author to six Heads:
The first, The neighbouring Country about the Mines.
The second, The Soyl where the Mines are.
The third, The Signs of Mines.
The fourth, The Structure and other particulars belonging to the Mines themselves.
The fifth, The Nature and Circumstances, of the Ore.
The sixth, the Reduction of the Ore into Metal.