Numb. 19.
Munday, November 19. 1666.
The Contents.
An Addition to the Instances of Petrification, enumerated in the last of these Papers.
This Instance was some while since communicated to the Royal Society by that Ingenious Gentleman Mr. Philip Packer, a worthy Member of that Body, in these words;
N a Bank in a Close of Mr. Purefoy, neer his house, call'd Wadley, a mile from Farrington in Berks, there grows an Elme, which hath now lost the top, and is grown hollow, containing neer a Tun of Timber. From the But of the same Tree, one of the spreading Clawes having been formerly cut off with an Axe; that part of the But, from whence the same was sever'd,
being about 112 foot above ground, and inward within the trunk
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