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Indies are shut the 4. ensuing months, by reason of the danger of that Sea.

But besides this Direction, the Book is not quite destitute of Natural Observations. It relates, 1.How Diamonds are found and separated in Golconda; They take of the Earth, held to be proper to form them, which is reddish, and distinguish'd with white veins, and full of flints and hard lumps. Then they put near the places, which they will digge, a close and even Earth; and to it they carry those Earths, they have digged out of the Mine, and gently spread it abroad, and leave it exposed to the Sun for two days. Then being dryed enough they beat it, and sifting this Earth, they find the Diamonds in ashes of Flints, in which Nature hath set them. Here he adds, that the King of that Country farms out these Diamond-Mines for 600000. Crowns per annum, referring to himself the right of all the Diamonds, that exceed ten Carats in weight: There are Diamonds, that mount to 35. and 40 Carats. And this is the great Treasure of that Prince.

2. That the most esteemed fruit in those parts, the Durion (of the bigness and shape of an ordinary Melon) has a very unpleasing and even untollerable smell, like to that of a rotten Apple.

3. That Rice prospers most in waterish grounds; and that the fields, where it grows best, resembles rather to Marishes, than to any ploughed Soyle: Yea, that that Grain has the force, though 6. or 7. foot water stand over it, to shoot its Stalk above it; and that the Stem, which bears it, rises and grows proportionably to the height of the water, that drowns the field.

4. That the way of keeping ones self harmless from a wild Elephant, when he runs directly upon one, is, to hold something to him; as a Hat, a Coat, a piece of Linnen, which he seises on with his Trunk, and playes with it, as if he were pleased with this apparent homage, done to him; and so passes on. If he be in a rage, that then the only remedy is, to turn incessantly behind him to the left side, in regard that naturally (saith this Author) he never turns himself that way, but to the right: And the time, there is to turn, because of the Beasts unweildiness, affords leisure enough to climbe up some high Tree, or to mount some steep ground: all which if it fail, by holding always his tail, and turning with him, the Animal will be tired, and give opportunity to escape.

Printed for John Crook in Duck-Lane neer Little-Britain. 1666.

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