produce a great variety of different Herbs; and that the Ashes of Corn burnt, being sown, have sometimes produced other Corn.
To add that by the by, This Author is not so addicted to Aristotle, as to be on his side, when he thinks Truth is not. He hath emancipated himself considerably from the Scholastick way of Philosophing. He dares maintain, that the Vegetative and Sensitive Souls are not Substantial Forms; and that it is with Plants and Animals, as with Artificial things, the Form whereof results from the Union and Disposition of the parts. According to this Hypothesis, he explicates all the Operations of Plants and Animals, without having any recourse to the Soul. He avers also, that there are no Species Intentionales, and no Habitudes, and that the Animal Spirits, which Philosophers commonly believe to be necessary for all the Operations of Life, are useless.
It might also be observed out of this Author, what he discourses of the Generation of Animals by Putrefaction; of the Cause of Intermittent Feavers, and of the Animal instinct, and of many other particulars; were it not better to refer the Curious to the Book it self.
III.RELATION DU VOYAGE de l'Eveque de Beryte, par la Turquie, la Perse, les Indes, &c. jusques au Royaume de Siam, & autres lieux; par M. de Bourges, Prestre, &c.
This Author imploying his Pen chiefly, according to his design, to give an Accompt of the Success, the Undertakers of this Voyage had, in propagating the Christian Faith in the remoter parts of the World, and relating on that occasion, What number of Churches they have Founded in Cochin-China, and the Kingdome of Tonquin (in which latter alone he affirms, that there are more then three hundred thousand Christians;) Being, I say principally intent upon that Subject, he seems not to have made many Philosophical observations in those places. Mean while he does good service to those, that have occasion to travel into the East-Indies mostly by Land, by describing the passage, they took thither; which was, That they embarqued at Marseilles, in September, the most convenient and favourable season for that Voyage; whence Ships do ordinarily pass every Month from Syria, reckoning one Month for the time of Sayling to Alexandretta. Thence to Aleppo, counting one month more for the Stay, to be made there to meet the Caravane for Babylon, and six weeks more for the march from Alepo to Babylon; where a fortnight will pass, before an opportunity happen to embarque upon the Tyger for Balsora; which journey will require a fortnight more. And about this time it will be neer the end of January. Thence is always conveniency to pass to Congo, 4. days Journey from Comoron or Gombroun; to which latter part there is also frequent occasion to pass by sea from Balsora, which will take up some 15 or 16. days Sail. There (vid. at Comoron) you will every year meet with English, Portugal, Dutch, and Morish Vessels, for Surate, from October till the end of April; for they are obliged to be at Surate, before the end of May, because all the ports of those