bandmen making, among other waies of improving their soils, great use of Flouding.
5. That the Physicians of China do cure Sickness with much ease, and in a short time: That they have very ancient Books of the nature and vertues of Herbs, Trees and Stones: That their Modern Physicians (as well as their Ancient ones did) write of the Prognosticks, Causes, Effects, &c. of Diseases. That their Remedies consist for the most part of Simples and Decoction, Cauteries, Frictions; without the use of Bloud-letting: That they have such an excellent skill and method in feeling the Pulse, that by the means thereof they discover even the most latent causes of Diseases; taking a good half hour, when they visit a Patient, in feeling and examining his Pulse: That they prescribe much the use of The; and the drinking alwayes warme; whatever they drink: To the custome of both which it's imputed, that the inhabitants of China do spit very little, nor are subject to the Stone or Gout: That they prise highly the Root Ginseng, as an extraordinary Restorative and Cordiall, recovering frequently with it agonizing persons; one pound of it being paid with 3 pounds of silver. As for their Chymists, (of which they have also good store) they go beyond ours, promising not only to make Gold, but to give Immortality.
6. That their Nobility is raised from Learning and Knowledge, without regard to Bloud or Parentage, excepting the Royall Family.
7. That in CHEKIAN, a maritime Province, whence is the shortest cut of China to Japan, is the best and plentifullest Silk-trade in the world: And that there every year the Mulberries are cutt, and kept down, that they grow not into Trees, for the easier gathering of the Leaves, there being a double Silk-harvest in that Country, as there is in severall other parts of the East-indies; (both which there is hope, will shortly be imitated in Virginia.)
8. That the way of making Porcelane is this: (Which is the rather inserted here, because it agrees so well with an Account, we received a while since from a very Curious and intelligent Person of Amsterdam.) There is in the Province of Nankin a Town, call'd
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