struck near Nantwich in Cheshire; the Title of the Book being, Anatome Pueri de Cælo tacti: such Relations, when truly made, well deserving to be carefully recorded for farther consideration.
Of some Books lately publish't
RELATIONS OF DIVERS CURIOUS VOYAGES, by Mons. Thevenot; the third Tome in French. This book contains chiefly, the Ambassie of the Dutch into China, translated out of the Dutch manuscript; A Geographical description of China, translated out of a Chinese Author by Martinius; And the Account, which the Directors of the Dutch East-India Company made to the States General, touching the state of affairs in the East-Indies, when their late Fleet parted from thence. To touch some things of a Geographical and Philosophical nature, contained therein, we shall take notice;
1. How the Kingdom of China is peopled; there being according to the best computation (which is there made with singular care) above 58 millions of Men, not counting Magistrates, Soldiers, Priests, Eunuchs, Women and Children; so that it may not be altogether strange, if one should affirm, there were 200 millions of people, of all sorts, in that Kingdom.
2. That Catay is nothing else, but the Six Northern Provinces of China, separated from the other Nine, by the great River KIANG; and that the City Cambalu is the same with that of Peking: the Tartars, who carry every three years their Tribute to the Emperor of China, constantly calling the said Provinces and City by those names of Catay and Cambalu.
3. That China is so well furnisht with Rivers, and cut Channels, that men may go from the most Southern to the most Northern part thereof by water, except one daies journey; as the Dutch Ambassadours did, embarking at Canton, which is 23 d. 43 m. Northern Latitude, and landing at Peking, which is about 40 d; having only travell'd one daies journey over some Mountains of the Province Kiamsi.
4. That the people of China are exceeding industrious Hus-