Perhaps this is from some included Air.ter and Summer to be higher in the cold Mornings and evenings, then in the warmer Mid-day.
6. Generally in setled and fair weather both of Winter and Summer, the Mercury is higher, than a little before or after, or in Rainy weather.
7. Again, generally it descended lower after Rain, than it was before Rain.
8. Generally also it falls in great winds; and somewhat it It seems these were Eastern winds. seem'd to sink, when I open'd a wide door to it, to let in stormy winds; yet I have found it to continue very high in a long stormy wind of 3. or 4. daies.
9. Again, generally it is higher in an East and North-wind. (CÅ“teris paribus) than in a South and West-wind.
10. I tryed several times, by strong fumes and thick smoaks to alter the Air in my Closet; but 1 cannot affirm, that the Mercury yielded any more, then might be expected from some increase of heat. Such as have exact Wheel-Barometers, may try whether Odors or Fumes do alleviate the Air.
11. In this Closet I have not in all this time found the extreamest changes of the Quicksilver to amount to more, than to 234, or to 278 inches, at most.
12. Very often I have found great changes in the Air, without any perceptible change in the Barometer; as in the dewy nights, when the moisture descends in a great quantity, and the thickness sometimes seems to hide the Stars from us: In the days foregoing and following, the Vapors have been
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