- Experiments and Observations touching the Sphere of Activity of Cold.
- Experiments touching differing Mediums, through which Cold may be diffused.
- Experiments and Observations touching Ice.
- Experiments and Observations touching the duration of Ice and Snow, and the destroying of them by the Air, and several Liquors.
- Considerations and Experiments touching the Primum Frigidum.
- Experiments and Observations touching the Coldness and Temperature of the Air.
- Of the strange Effects of Cold.
- Experiments touching the weight of Bodies frozen and unfrozen.
- Promiscuous Experiments and Observations concerning Cold.
This Treatise will be dispatched within a very short time, and would have been so, ere this, if the extremity of the late Frost had not stopt the Press. It will be accompanied with some Discourses of the same Author, concerning New Thermometrical Experiments and Thoughts, as also, with an Exercitation about the Doctrine of the Antiperistasis: In the former whereof is first proposed this Paradox, That not only our Senses, but common Weather glasses, may misinform us about Cold. Next, there are contained in this part, New Observations about the deficiencies of Weather-glasses, together with some considerations touching the New or Hermetrical Thermometers. Lastly, they deliver another Paradox, touching the cause of the Condensation of the Air, and Ascent of water by cold in common Weather-glasses. The latter piece of this part contains an Examen of Antiperistasis, as it is wont to be taught and proved; Of all which there will, perhaps, a fuller account be given by the Next.