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provinces, after satisfaction of two third parts of the said debt as aforesaid, may lye entirely together, for the better convenience of the Commonwealth and remaining part of the army,

Itt is further ordered, that the severall regiments whose lotts are respectively fallen in any of the said provinces of Leinster, Munster, [and] Ulster, bee put into possession of their lands successively, one after another, each regiment beginning to take their posession from the bounds of such places, where the lotts of the respective regiments preceeding did respectively determine.

And that the said regiments may likewise the better know how to take their respective satisfaction, according to the rule and prescription afforesaid, itt is further ordered, that the agents for the severall regiments within the respective lotts of the provinces aforesaid, doe agree and determine among themselves what county of each province, and what barronyes in such respective countyes, shall be first sett out unto them; and doe further, by consent or otherwise, appoint what regiment, troop, or company within such respective regiments shall be first sett downe in the said barrony or county, and soe successively in the next adjacent barrony or county, and the rest of the barronyes and counties following in the said province respectively, untill all the regiments, whose lotts are fallen in the said respective province, shall be satisfied the two third parts of the arreares respectively due unto them as aforesaid; allways observing that the additionall security to the said province shall not be taken by them untill such time as it shall appeare that the rest of the lands in that province is not sufficient to answer the said two third parts of the arreares or debt charged uppon it.

And it is further ordered, that the severall agents of the said regiments within the said respective provinces, giving in a list or particular to the Surveyor-Generall, what barronyes or counties they desire may be first set out unto them, together with the names of the regiments, or of such troopes or companies in such respective regiment, as they desire may respectively be satisfyed in the said barronys and countyes, and soe in the rest of the barronyes and countyes following in the said province as aforesaid, the Surveyor-Generall be required and is hereby authorized to give directions to such as are to admeasure and subdivide the said lands, that the said barronyes bee sett out and subdivided to the said regiment accordingly; the said admeasurers nevertheless strictly observing the rules and prescripts above mentioned, 22th May, 1655.

Tho. Herbert, Clerk of the Councill.




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