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2dly. A description of each surround, more particular, according to the name of the land soe surrounded; the quality of the said land, as arable, pasture, meadow, timber-wood, shrubby wood, and bogg; and this againe into wast and into that which holds a proportion, as 12, 13, 14 or 16, in value, as we conceive, to that which is profitable and good; 4th, the names of the proprietor or proprietors who have lands within the said towne soe called or distinguished, or a note of the said lands itts being in controversy; 5th, the quantity of acres in the said towne, distinguished according to the quality; 6th, the number of reference, both to the county map, to the barrony and to the parish mapp.

3dly. Att the end of each surround is an observation made of what castles, houses, mills, or other edifices, as alsoe what mines or other emoluments, were found uppon it.

4thly. Where any parcell of land belonging to any towne is severed or lyeth in common, there the same particularly is surrounded, and the quantity, quality, name of the proprietors of itt, exsprest; the severall surrounds of the parish being described, the whole number of acres is sett downe, with an index of the observations in the said parish, and another index of the proprietors' names, and another index: after both these two certificates, the words of the first being as followeth:

Soe are the true meares and bounds of all the lands lyeing in the parish of ...., together with all the proprietors of the said lands, uppon our oaths, and to the best of our knowledge. Wittness our hands. Underneath are writt the jurors names.

The words of the second certificate are these: Soe are the true quantities and qualities of all the severall lands lying in the parish of ...., uppon my oath, and to the best of my skill and knowledge. Wittness my hand. Underneath which is the name of the surveyor of the said parish. The dates of the certificats being not exspressed.

And the like method and forme wee observe to have been followed in all the said parishes within every of the said barronyes respectively.

Wee further humbly certifie that, besides the sayd books, wee find a very fair county mapp, containing the severall barronyes before described to be admeasured; as alsoe other smaller mapps of particular barronyes, and of particular parishes, most of which, soe far as wee can discover, are very entire and perfect. The said plotts or mapps exspressing alsoe the quality of the said land,

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