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To the Honourable Commissioners of the Commonwealth.

According to your Honours order of reference of the 22th instant, to consider of the severall surveyes, bookes of reference, platts, and other papers relating to the admeasurement of the county of Tipperary, which are in the Commonwealth's custody, and to report what barronyes have been admeasured in the said county, and what papers, platts, and books of survey belonging to the said barronyes respectively are perfect and to be allowed, and what are imperfect, and whether any barronyes in the said county doe remaine to be admeasured, and which they are, wee humbly certifie as followeth:

That wee have perused certaine small books bound up in parchment, and entituled: the 1, barony of Ikerine; 2, Eliogarty; 3, Kilnemanagh; 4, Kilnelonger; 5, Ileagh; 6, Upper Ormond; 7, Lower Ormond; 8, Arra; 9, Owny Mulrian; 10, Ownybeg.

On the outside of each of which books is sett downe likewise the names of the parishes respectively belonging to that barrony.

In the inside of the booke, before every parish, is sett downe the names of the jurors, being generally six in number, and underneath the said names this memorandum written, that they being all duely sworne uppon the holy Evangelists, have sett forth the bounds and meares, names and by-names, of all the quarters, plowlands, and other denominations of lands lying in the parish of ......, together with all the owners and proprietors of the said lands, their names and by-names, to be as follow, and to the said information have at the'nd thereof subscribed their names.

In the next place is sett downe the names of the surveyors who admeasured the said parish, with this memorandum, that ......, sworne admeasurer for the parish of ....., doeth present, uppon his oath, the true quantities and qualities of all the severall lands lying in the parish of ...., to be as followe, and to the said presentment hath, at the end hereoff, subscribed his name.

The method and proceeding in the description of every parish is as followeth:

1st. The number of surrounds made by the instrument, in each parish respectively, is sett downe, together with the quantity of land contained in each surround, according to the denominations, as one plowland, ½, ⅓, or ¼ of a plowland, &c.

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