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said lands; all which I have performed and examined according to the best of my care, skill, knowledge, [and] information. Given under my hand, the &c.

All which was yet further corroborated by other certificate of unconcerned examinators, in the following forme:

Wee, whose names are hereunto subscribed, doe certlfie that wee have been imployed by Dr William Petty uppon and about the survey by him undertaken, by vertue of a contract, bearing date the 11th of December, 1654, betweene Benjamin Worsley, Esq., on the one part, on the behalfe of the Commonwealth, and the said William Petty, on the other part; and have been all and every of us paid, for our labour therein, by yearly salary only. And wee doe further certifie, each of us for his owne respective worke, that wee have examined the severall barronyes undernamed, by joining the common lines of severall mens worke, by reprotracting each line and angle according to the originall field books, by comparing each surround with the abstracts or catalogues of lands to be surveyed, received from the Surveyor-Generall's office, and by casting or recasting up of the contents of every surround; and in order thereunto have severall times, as often as their was occasion, rejected such faulty worke as hath been brought unto us, and caused the same to be corrected, in the ffield and otherwise.

Wee have, moreover, examined the severall transcripts and copies, both of the plotts and references, vouched by the said Dr Petty, and to be given into the Surveyor-Generall's office, and doe find them to agree with their respective originalls given in by the respective authors of them; all which wee have performed according to the best of our skille and knowledge; and doe each of us believe, in our judgements and conscience, that the said surveyes have been, uppon the whole matter, well and sufficiently performed.

Tho. Taylor.
Ed. Lucas.
Geo. Baldwin.
Jon. Vise.
Wm. Morgan.
Wm. Trevis.
Rice Lloyd.
Wm. Brudenel.

Ffor the further confirmation of all which, and for the wiping of some other dirt, I shall interpose the .......

About September following, viztt, after above six moneths pawse and consideration, the Councill entrusted the direction of another, neer as great and

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