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Doctor was forced to assent to the said surveyors having their forty-five shillings per thousand, and to allow them 3li 5s more; in all, 5li 10s that they might undertake the said worke anew, according to the Drs articles.

And in particular, Mr Jackeson, of Limericke, though he had done none of the grosse surrounds by him formerly undertaken, had 5li 10s for whatever the Doctor had 5li 10s 4d; and for what the Dr had three pounds, others that went on new worke had four pounds ten shillings, and forty-five shillings, on the same grounds.

There were allowed to examiners and other house workers 100li per annum, to some of them more, to others 80li, to few less.

Hee agreed with others by the lump, for soe many barronyes, wherewith themselves were well acquainted, to avoid the temptation which might arise from dealing by the thousand; withall agreeing with them to admitt of an inspector of his owne appointment, to oversee their performance, even in the field.

With some he agreed by the number of chaines and angles only; hee agreed with others to be ready uppon all extraordinary occasions of subdivision, or of correcting errors, repairing omissions, &c., allowing them certaine rates for their works, and other rates for their travelling charges to, from, and betweene the several places of their employments.

All which persons, besides their oathes, gave bond to perform their respective undertakings, according to the articles of the eleventh of December, which the Dr himself had entered into with the State; and were brought in person to the Councill Chamber, about the eleventh of March, 1654/5, to justifie their respective performances; the which they allsoe verified by certificate under their hands, endorsed on their printed instructions, according to the following forme:

I, A, B., &c., having been duly sworne, doe hereby certifie that the barronyes of C. D., in the county of E., have by myselfe, and sufficient assignees and partners, been surveyed and admeasured according to the instructions within printed, and given unto me by Dr William Petty, especially according to the most materiall and essentiall parts of them, vizt., by returning the true quantity, quality, ffigure, scituation, name, proprietor, bounds, and buildings uppon, &c., of all and every the parcells and surrounds of lands directed to be admeasured together, the names of the meeresmen, and of their dwellings, who shewed the

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