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3dly. That the artists to be imployed be paid by the chaine and angle.

4thly. That an Examinator-General reside at Dublyn.

5thly. That seaven souldiers and a corporall be allowed to waite uppon each instrument.

6thly. That four pounds a thousand acres bee allowed as advance for what shall be downe admeasured, and five pounds for what shall be both measured and subdivided.

7thly. That the Dr be allowed 2000li, and the pay of fifty foot souldiers, for thirteene moneths, vizt., neer 700li more; in all 2700li, for his paines.

8thly. Memorand, here is noe mention of reimbursing the charge of the grosse surround, vizt., about 2000li.

9thly. Nor of what Mr. Worseley himselfe is to have, which cannot be less then the Doctors.

Soe that, allthough the worke propounded in this latter forme be not soe great as the other, yet the charge uppon the whole will be far greater. Tis true, indeed, that here appeares a demand but of five pounds per thousand, whereas 7li 3s 4d was given in the other, which uppon about two millions of acres saves 4000li. Now against that gaine sett the 2700li for Dr Petty, and as much more for Mr Worseley, and 2000li reimbursements, making in all 7400li; and one hundred mens eight ... per diem, vizt, fourty ... per diem for the souldiers waiting uppon one hundred instruments, for about three hundred and sixty, or three hundred and ninety dayes, making 14,400li; in all, 21,800li. The ballance will be about 18,000li vizt. so much less to the State; that is as much againe as the whole cost them uppon Dr Pettye's contract. And this Mr Worsley signes freely, and calls it an exspedient for removing the above mentioned instruction.

The which exspedient, and the giving forty shillings per thousand, anno Do. 1653, for what was not worth forty pence, deserves him the pay he demanded, as for two Surveyor-Generalls; ffor tis but reason the Surveyor-Generall should be paid double, when his underlins are more then quadruple.

This expedient had certainly taken, but that one unluckily objected that the steele and iron in those eight souldiers swords would distract the needles play; nevertheless, Mr. Worsely seeing that the exclusion of him from the worke was not my fault, he assented to some explanations of my first articles, vizt.:

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