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of the worke, with the slackeness and diversion of the agents, there appeared noe hopes to effect the same speedily, as indeed nothing considerable was done therein untill May following.

The Doctor, to loose noe time, did send forth many workemen into the nearest countreys, as that of Dublyn and Meath. In the first whereof occurred innumerable parcells of land to be measured, under fourty acres each, and many more of the same size were exspected in other places.

Whereuppon the Dr, conceiving the same necessary to be done, and yet himselfe not at all obliged thereunto by his contract, acquaints the Councill therewith, who, for removall hereoff, and of other obstructions which they foresaw might happen, did appoint a Comittee by the following order:

By the Lord Deputy and Councill.

To the end that the surveyes undertaken by Dr Petty, of all the lands in Ireland forfeited to and disposeable by the Commonwealth of England to officers, souldiers, and others, uppon accompt of arreares, publique faith, debts, &c., may receive all due encouragement, and what may interrupt the progress thereoff bee seasonably redressed. Itt is ordered that Robert Goodman [Goodwin], Esq., and Colonel Mathew Thomlinson, both of the Councill, together with Sir Hardress Waller, Commissary-Generall Reynolds, Collonell Hewson, and Collonell Lawrence, or any three or more of them, whereof the said Mr Goodwin or Collonell Thomlinson to be one, &c., be, and they are hereby constituted and appointed a committee to consider off and take care that the said surveys be not interrupted or obstructed. And in case any question, difficulty, difference, or controversy shall arise, which casually may obstruct or retard the progress of the said survey or admeasurement, the said Committee as afforesaid are hereby impowered and authorized to hear, examine, and determine all such differences and controversies thence arising; and such their determination to be definitive, conclusive, and binding, to all intents and purposes. The said Committee are alsoe desired to set apart Tuesdayes and Saturdayes, in the afternoone, to proceed therein, or at other times, as occasion may be administred.

Dublyn, 9th January, 1654.

Tho. Herbert, Clerk of the Councill.

The above mentioned controversie was brought to the said Committee, who, having by this time been possessed by the enviouse, casheired surveyors, that

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