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Irish Papist or others, particular enquiry be made where the said proprietors mansion-house was, or what townes name or place he was usually called by, to the end both that one proprietor may be distinguished frome another who hath the same name, and that the lands in other barronyes or countyes belonging to this person may be rightly ascertained and knowne from the lands belonging to another person of the same name.

Memorandum. That all woods fitt for timber, and which do not grow uppon barren mountaine, are to be surveyed and returned by themselves, as is directed by the Act of Parliament, together with the nearest estimate of what number of timber trees may be thereuppon.

6thly. Having thus sett downe soe many parcells as lye contiguouse and doe belong entirely to any one proprietor, you are underneath to summ up the whole number of acres in the said parish, as they are in grosse, and as they are distinguished in profitable and unprofitable; and in the next place at large to describe the meares of the said lands by what other townelands or proprietors lands they are bounded, and to set downe whatsoever you find observable uppon the traceing or admeasuring the said lands, relating to the castles, dwelling-houses, weares, mills, or other things belonging to it.

7thly. Having finished your observations uppon the first proprietors land, you are to describe the next, according to the manner and method aforesaid, and soe to proceed from proprietor to proprietor, untill the severall divisions or parcells of land belonging to every proprietor in the said parish be fully sett downe and described, at the end of which you are to summ up the number of acres under each colume, as was directed in the lands of each proprietor; and to observe the like method in every parish, untill the whole number of parishes in the respective barronyes, and the lands in each of them respectively, be described.

8thly. You are at the end of every barrony to summ up the number of forfeited acres in the said barrony, in grosse, and of the acres profitable and unprofitable belonging to every parish, writing downe the name of the parish against the said sum, and underneath the total of forfeited acres in gross, and of the acres profitable and unprofitable belonging to every parish in the whole barony.

9thly. You are to summ up the number of acres of all gleab lands, and of all lands belonging to any archbishopp, bishopp, deane, deane and chapter, contained in any of the said parishes, writing downe the name of the parish
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