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Dr Petty's bond of 4000li for performance of articles.The condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above bounden William Petty shall and will well and truely observe, fulfill, performe, and keep all and every the articles, conditions, clauses, and agreements mentioned in one pair of indented articles, bearing date with these presents, and made betweene the said William Petty on the one part, and Benjamin Worseley, Esq., Surveyor-Generall for land on the behalfe of the Commonwealth, of the other part, which, on the part of the said William Petty, are to be well and truly observed, fulfilled, performed, and kept, according to the true intent and meaning of the said articles.
Then this obligation to be void, otherwise, to stand in full force and vertue. Sealed and delivered in the presence of
Ed. Roberts H. Markam. Sam. Goodwin. |
William Petty. Har. Waller. Jo. Clerke. |
And on the 25th instant of December were ratifyed by the Lord Deputy and Councill, as is above expressed.
Severall warrants issued. In order to the worke thus undertaken, there yssues out the warrants following, vizt.:
Ffor men to shew the meares.
Ffor abstracts or lists of the lands to be surveyed.
Ffor access to such records, surveys, &c., as might be of use.
And alsoe to appoint a Committee of officers to consider how the said worke might bee began, and proceeded uppon as to the finall subdivision.
Dr Petty clears Sir H. Waller of some aspersions.Itt will not be improper in this place, where it appeares Sir Hardress Waller was one of the sureties for the Drs performance, to undeceive the world of some false apprehensions in this matter, and to clear that noble person from an ugly imputation cast uppon him, which was, that he went halfes with the said Doctor for helping to drive