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18thly. The said Benjamin Worseley doeth further covenant and agree, to and with the said William Petty, that effectuall order shall from time to time be given from the Lord Deputy and Councill, for impressing persons to shew the bounds and meares of all and singular the parcells of land by these presents directed to be admeasured, as alsoe guards for securing the respective persons to be imployed in this business, he giving reasonable allowance to each of them for their paines during their attendance on that service.
19thly. Itt is agreed by and between all partyes to these presents that whatsoever complaint shall be made against the said survey, shall be exhibited within twelve months after the subdivision aforementioned is made, and posession given, and not afterwards; and that three moneths time from the exhibition of the said exceptions be allowed unto the said William Petty, for the correcting and amending the same, before any proceedings be commenced against him for the breach of articles touching that particular.
In wittness whereof, &c.,
Wee doe hereby ratifie, confirme, and aprove the within articles, bearing date the eleventh day of December, 1654. Dated at Dublyn, this 25th of December, 1654.
Cha. Fleetwood. Miles Corbet. Ro. Goodwin. Ma. Thomlinson. |