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16thly. And the said Benjamin Worseley doeth further covenant and agree to and with the said William Petty, that when the said William Petty shall deliver in, or cause to be delivered into the Surveyor-Generall's office, a true and clear survey of such forfeited lands and other lands, hereby appointed to be surveyed; ffor which worke of survey one of the two thousand pounds advanced, either after the rate of forty shillings for every thousand acres surrounded, and five pounds ten shillings for every thousand acres downe admeasured; and for land actually sett out according to the respective rates before expressed, is become due to the said William Petty; and of which returne and money due for such survey, according to the rate afforesaid, he the said William Petty shall produce certificate from the said Surveyor-Generall, which the said Surveyor-Generall is, according to such surveyes returned, to make and give; that then the said William Petty shall further receive the summ of one thousand pounds more, sterling, by way of advance uppon accompt, to be by him the said William Petty discounted when surveys are returned, the rates whereof are correspondent by this contract to such summ advanced; and shall, uppon equalling his accompt by returnes made from time to time, receive the summ of one thousand pounds sterling more, which he is to discount in course by due returns and certificates, as is before expressed, untill the whole survey by him, the said William Petty, undertaken, be compleat and finisht.
17thly. It is covenanted and agreed, and the said Benjamin Worseley doeth, for and on the behalfe of the Commonwealth, further promise and undertake, to and with the said William Petty, to pay, or cause to be paid, at the returne or delivery in of perfect mapps of all the said barronyes and countyes mentioned in the first article, one thousand pounds, for and in consideration of his carefull surveying and admeasuring with the instrument all the meets and bounds of the said barronyes, as the same shall be showne and discovered to him.
And whereas a provision is before made and provided that the said William Petty should reimburse and pay backe to the State all such summ or summs of money as hath at any time been paid to such surveyors as have been contracted withall, for admeasuring or surveying any part of the aforesaid lands mentioned