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mand to be satisfyed and paid to them from the Commonwealth, in reference to the service performed by them, according to the said contract made with them.

12thly. Ffor the true and full performance of all and every of the articles before mentioned and specifyed, the said William Petty doeth covenant, promise, and engage, to and with the said Benjamin Worseley, to give in sufficient security unto the Commonwealth, by bond or otherwise, to the value of four thousand pounds.

13thly. Item, the said Benjamin Worseley doeth for himselfe, his heirs, executors, and administrators, and for every of them, covenant, grant, agree, promise, and undertake, for and on the behalfe of the Commonwealth, to and with the said William Petty, his executors, administrators, and assignes, and to and with every of them, to pay, or cause to be paid unto the said William Petty, seven pounds, three shillings, and four pence, currant money of England, for every thousand acres of forfeited profitable land that shall be admeasured and actually sett out to the souldiery by him, according to the tenor of the agreement afforesaid, in any of the afforesaid barronyes and countyes mentioned in the ffirst article.

14thly. The said Benjamin Worseley doeth, for and on the behalfe of the Commonwealth, further promise and undertake, to and with the said William Petty, to pay, or cause to be paid unto the said William Petty, three pounds sterling of currant money of England, for every thousand acres of forfeited lands admeasured, and not yet disposed off or sett out, within the counties of Dublyn, Catherlogh, and the remaining part of Corke; as alsoe for every thousand acres of Crowne lands, or of lands heretofore belonging to any archbishopp, bishopp, deane, deane and chapter, or other officer belonging to that hierarchy, in right of his or their office; as alsoe for every thousand acres of parcells of unprofitable land, the said parcells not exceeding five hundred acres in any one parcell, and admeasured according to the instructions concerning unprofitable lands mentioned in the fourth article, or for soe much proportionably of any of the said lands as shall be admeasured by him according to the tenor of the agreement aforesaid.

15thly. And for the better and more effectuall carreying on the said contract and undertaking, itt is covenanted and agreed, and the said Benjamin Worseley doeth, for and on the behalfe of the Commonwealth, promise and undertake, to and with the said William Petty, to pay unto him or his assignes,
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