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6thly. The said William Petty doeth further promise and undertake, to and with the said Benjamin Worseley, that where any parcells of land forfeited, formerly belonging to any one person, shall extend ittselfe into severall barronyes, and be scituate part in one barrony and part in some other barronyes, there carefully to distinguish and admeasure with the instrument soe much of the said parcells as shall lye in every respective barrony, and to returne the same, soe distinguished and admeasured accordingly, in the mapps of each proper barony.
7thly. The said William Petty doeth further promise and undertake, to and with the said Benjamin Worsley, carefully to survey and admeasure by the instrument the outmeares or bounds of all and every the barronyes within the counties mentioned in the above said ffirst article, and the same, soe surveyed, distinctly to protract and lay downe to the end the said civill bounds and meares of each barrrony may be better knowne and preserved, and that perfect and exact mapps may be had for publique use of each of the barronyes and countyes aforesaid; provided, that neither the said barronyes or halfe barronies divide themselfs into severall countyes.
8thly. The said William Petty doeth promise and undertake, to and with the said Benjamin Worsely, to deliver unto the said Surveyor-Generall his office, for the use of the Commonwealth, particular platts, with books of reference belonging to the said platts respectively, fairly engrossed, of all the forfeited lands, both profitable and unprofitable, that shall be admeasured by him in manner and forme afforesaid, in any of the aforesaid barronyes and countyes mentioned in the first article, noting and mentioning all such subdivisions of land as shall be made to each particular person.
And likewise to deliver the platts and books of reference of all Crowne lands, and of all lands belonging to any archbishopp, bishopp, deane, deane and chapter, or other officer of that hierarchy, in right of his and or their office, which shall lye in any of the respective barronyes or countyes afforesaid, each of them distinctly by themselves; that is to say, the forfeited land in each bar-