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clusion of soe great a business, were, with some little alterations about the money, and some discourse about the army leav[y]ing their part, finally assented unto, and ordered to be engrossed and perfected in the words following:
Articles of Agreement made, concluded, and agreed uppon, the eleventh Day of December, 1654, by and betweene Benjamin Worsley, Esq., Surveyor-Generall by the Appointment of the Right Honourable the Lord Deputy and Councill of Ireland, on the Behalfe of the Commonwealth, of the one Part, and Dr William Petty on the other Part.


Articles with Dr Petty for the measuring Ireland, 11 Decr, 1654.That he, the said William Petty, doeth hereby, for himselfe, his heires, executors, and administrators, covenant, errant, and agree to and with the said Benjamin Worseley, his executors, administrators, and assigns, and to and with every of them, for and on the behalfe of the Commonwealth. That he, the said William Petty, or his assignes, shall and will well and sufficiently survey and admeasure, or cause to be surveyed and admeasured, all the forfeited lands, both profitable and unprofitable, within the barronies of the ten halfe counties appointed by lot for satisfaction of the arreares of the officers and souldiers in Ireland, mentioned in the late Act ffor satisfaction of the adventurers and souldiers, of the 26th of September, 1653;

And alsoe within any the countyes of Wexford, Wicklow, Kilkenny, Kerrey, Longford, Corke, Kildare, Tyrone, London Derrey, and Donnegall, which shall be sett out as additionall satisfaction for the arreares of the said souldiers;

As alsoe all forfeited not yet disposed of or sett out, within the counties of Dublin, Catherlogh, and the remaining part of Corke, together with all crowne lands, and all lands heretofore belonging to any archbishopp, bishopp, deane, deane and chapter, or any other officer belonging to that hierarchy, in the right of his or their office, which are lyeing in any of the afforesaid counties: and that the said survey and admeasurement shall be by him, the said William Petty, and his assignes, done and performed in manner and forme following, viz.:—Ffirst, that the said William Petty is to survey, or cause to be surveyed and admeasured with the instrument, all the said forfeited profitable lands, all other the profitable lands mentioned in the aforesaid article, into the smallest and lowest denominations that are, vizt., into townlands, plowlands, cartrons, or any other usuall denomination of lands, proper to the respective countyes where the said lands
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