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7li 3s 4d per 1000 acres.shillings and four pence per thousand acres, at which rate the Dr hath agreed to measure all the profitable forfeited lands as aforesaid.
And to return in mapps, plotts, and books of reference according to the said annexed heads of agreement, for which consideration he doeth alsoe undertake to reimburse the State of all the disbursements allready made for measuring any of those lands he shall againe survey.
For drawing up the contracts and other matters, in order to a finishing of the agreement, wee humbly offer it may be referred to the Surveyor-General to perfect and finish the same on the State's behalfe.
And wee further humbly mind your honors that the State is to disburse the money to the Dr from time to time, till the souldier is in possession; whereuppon the souldier is then to pay his part aforesaid, or to have it deducted out of his pay, for reimbursing the same unto the State.
And to the end the Dr may be the better enabled to exspedite the worke, wee humbly offer that hee may have three thousand pounds advance, and soe, from time to time, to receive more, as he finisheth his worke by parts, the said advance to be still part of the pay for the worke performed. Dated the 31th of October, 1654.
Signed in the name and by appointment of
the rest of the referrees,
Har. Waller.