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Maps to be supplied to soldiers where required, but not of less than 1000 acres, 14, 24.

—— delivered accordingly, 183.

—— description of, so delivered, 323, 326.

—— of Ireland, engraved on copper by Dr. Petty, on such scale as to keep each barony on a sheet of paper, 323, 324. See Plots.

—— alone, not a survey without topographical memoirs, 347, 348.

—— of Ireland previous to Down Survey, 346.

Markham, H., 31.

Meath, surveys under forty acres numerous in, 43, 321.

——— contents of baronies in, examined in surveyor-general's office, 139.

——— quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 144—146.

——— lands set out and assigned to Dr. Petty in Duleek, Fore, and Rathoath, 215.

——— articles and agreement relative to, 216.

——— lands set out, &c., to Dr. Petty in Duleek, formerly the property of Nicholas Darcey; extent and terms of, 226, 227.

Medicaments, a saving effected by Dr. Petty in cost of, 1,2.

Melhvish, Mary, 243.

Memoirs, descriptive, by Dr. Petty, 323, 348.

——— effort to publish, with Ordnance survey maps. See Ordnance Survey.

Meredith, William, 198.

———— Sir Robert, 298.

Meresmen, 49; marksmen, chainmen, &c., employment of, and wages paid to, 35, 324; officers and soldiers to assist, 39, 40, 320.

Merricke, Jo., 244.

Methwold, William, 243.

Miclethwait, Nathaniel, 243, 249.

Middlethird, 89.

————— no survey of, 57.

Mile-line around the coast of Connaught; Irish excluded from, 75, 225, 318, 356.

Monck, Henry, 154, 155, 346.

——— Colonel, 70.

Moncke, General, equivalent for lands of, set out to Dr. Petty, 224, 281, 285.

Moore, William, 92.

More, William, 73.

Morgan, Sir Anthony, 79, 86, 107, 108, 109, 111, 187, 263, 265, 267, 270, 273.

——— William, 52.

Morris, William, 73, 80, 89.

Mosse, Thomas, 73, 75, 76.

Mosyer, Jo., 247, 249, 252, 257.

Mountains, height of, to be measured in feet, describing them and giving their names and true places, 48, 123, 346.

Mullineux, Captain, 12, 107, 108, 111.

Mulrian. See Owny Mulrian.

Munster, 79.

——— contributions towards quelling rebellion, secured on, 318.

——— petition to have security left with soldiers, viz. Cranagh and Galmoy, drawn with, as security, and divided; Gaultier and Middlethird not divided, 89, 90.

——— further division of, by commissioners for distribution of lands, 191; manner in which performed, 193, 195.

——— value of lands in; wood, bog, &c., cast in, 337.

——— legal opinion as to distribution of land in, by committee of claims, beyond the value of £110,000, 253.


Names of places, true names to be ascertained, 48.

——— barbarous and uncouth names ordered to be changed, 326.

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