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Down Survey, surveyor-general and four assistants appointed to examine plots, books, &c., 111, 127; he details their examination, and reports omissions and defects, and states what work remains to be done, 112—115, 126, 331. Dr. Petty explains these omissions and defects, 115—119, 128, 331. Dr. Petty remonstrates; details his grievances and difficulties, and solicits additional allowance, &c., 119—126, 133, 348.

————— Dr. Petty 's proposal to have the £2054 formerly disbursed on gross admeasurement remitted or stopped out of last payment, referred to committee for consideration, 134. Above amount to be stopped accordingly, and present account passed without interruption, 135.

————— £2054 ordered to be stopped out of amount due for survey of Limerick, Carlow, and Wicklow, allowed to Dr. Petty, 151, 156.

————— particular of the contents of the baronies examined in the surveyor-general's office, 137.

————— contents of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, as examined in surveyor-general's office, 140, 144—146.

————— cost of, 147—149.

————— contents of lands measured for, 150, 159.

————— manner in which payments were made for. See Accounts.

————— Dr. Petty's offer to perform it for £1000, actual reward, 176.

————— three complaints only against it within nineteen months, 176; difficulty of dealing with complaints, 177.

————— documents of, received by surveyor-general, and delivered into the Exchequer, 183, 336.

Down Survey of Limerick, Wicklow, and Carlow, cost and final possession of, 131, 132, 134—136, 151, 156, 333.

————— "material passages relating to," 314.

————— of Wexford, sheet from, 396. See also Survey.

Dublin, 107, 108, 183, 357.

——— 1d. per acre for survey of, to Dr. Petty, 103, 332.

——— county survey of, troublesome, and almost endless, 43, 124, 321, 332.

Dublin, contents of baronies in, examined in surveyor-general's office, 139.

——— quantity of unprofitable Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 145, 146.

——— land reserved in, for his Highness and the Commonwealth, 150.

Duckenfield, Major, 30.

Duffry in Wexford, 92, 102.

Duke, Charles, 181.

Duleek. See Meath.

——— lands assigned to Dr. Petty in, 226.

Dunkerron, 85, 91, 94, 102.


Eames, Samuel, 243.

Edwards, James, 243, 249.

Elephant, name of building in which surveyor-general's office was situated, 336; probable origin of name, ib.

Eliogarty survey, documents of, 55.

Evelyn's Diary, notices of Dr. Petty in, 349.

Ewre, George, 244.

Eyre, George, 243.

Eyres, Thomas, 243, 249.


Fairies, ghosts, and walking spirits, 209.

Ffarrell, Charles, 243.

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