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Dalbe, Samuel, 243.
Darcey, Nicholas, lands of, in Duleek, set out to Dr. Petty, 227.
Davenport, Nathaniel. See Letters.
Davis, Thomas, 73, 75, 79.
Deacon, Richard, 243.
Deane, Jos., 196, 265, 267, 270, 273, 279, 280, 282.
Richard, 158, 160.
Debentures in possession of soldiers who deserted or revolted before 1649, committee to examine into, 70, 74.
management of, 187, 191, 192.
to be delivered up, &c., 189.
book of, 194.
sales, or alienations of, 201, 205.
register-general or deputy to attend at cancelling of, 201.
wholly or in part unsatisfied, order of council as to how they are to be satisfied, 202, 204, 205, 223, 337; satisfied, 296.
application of Dr. Petty to council for permission to purchase, in lieu of arrear of 1d. per acre, due by soldiers, 334, 348.
purchase of, by Dr. Petty, 212, 213, 343, 344; approved by council to the extent of £2000, 214, 216, 224.
1d. in ready money as good as 3d. in, 220.
De La Noy, Peter, 243.
DeLawne, Rich., 127, 133, 141, 143, 149, 150.
Denison, John, 73, 76—79.
Disbrow, John, 73, 75, 76, 92, 101.
Donegal, 107, 108, 183.
contents of baronies examined, in surveyor-general's office, 140, 142.
quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 144—146.
Down admeasurement proceeded on, 41, 46, 63.
and subdivision ought to have been carried on together, 66, 68, 131.
Survey did not cost so much as former gross surveys, 133, 327, 335, 338.
history of, 311, 336, 346.
of forfeited profitable lands, 14.
shows one-third more land than civil survey, 72, 328.
ordered to be expedited, 77.
extended over twenty-two counties, admeasured field by field, and performed in thirteen months, 85, 129, 294, 318, 331.
date from which commencement of work should reckon, 321.
legal record on which lands in Ireland are held, 347.
other surveys not to be called for, unless errors of more than one-tenth be discovered, 348.
being so near an end, Dr. Petty petitions the council to have the surveys vouched, and delivered into the surveyor-general's office; describes additional labour and trouble in surveying forfeited lands, not included in civil survey, hoping to be paid for such by the army and proprietors; accounts for omissions in his survey; proposes terms for making them good; points out the way in which impeachments ought only to be admitted; hopes the money lately paid for the gross surrounds may be remitted, in consequence of his extra services, 103, 107, 133, 136, 332, 334, 348.
committee appointed to examine and see how far the survey answers the ends of that undertaking, 107; report of the committee so appointed, and system of examination and check adopted, 108—111.
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