( 10 )
Signed in the name and by appointment
of the rest of the referrees,
September 24°, 1654.
Har. Waller.
By which report it appeares that, from the eighth to the 24th of September, not only the referrees named, but alsoe such other officers as were fittest to give advice in this business, and indeed as many others as would come, either as curiouse to see, or else to carpe, did consider of all former methods and projections for the management of the survey.
2dly. They report that the survey then in being propounded by the above mentioned committee, much excelled the former managed by Mr Worsely.
3dly. They are pleased ingenuously to acknowledge the perplexities and difficulties wherein that affaire was involved before the Doctor appeared in it.
4thly . What the substance of Dr Petty's proposalls were, that the said Dr as was before limitted, desired to deale by the lump, or at least by the thousand acres, without distinction of quality; and that he did not introduce his proposition out of any designe to demnifie or prejudice those that went before him.
Mr. Worsly secretly labours to oppose the Drs proposals.Now from the said 24th of September the said Mr Worsely secretly laboures with severall chief officers of the army, and particularly Sir Charles Coot, and such of the members of the councill as he had most interest with, to obstruct the further consideration of the Drs proposalls; writes animadversions uppon them, though such as he would never openly produce, though openly called uppon for them: the substance and end whereoff were,
1st. By sophystry making all admeasurement, and even his owne, impossible, to prove that propounded by Dr Petty impracticable
2dly. Shewing that measuring into small parcells was noe more certaine and examinable then that of wild vast surrounds, by shewing that admeasurements were subject to many kind of errors.