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other lands escheated to his Highnes and the Commonwealth as are not yet admeasured, should be forthwith admeasured by an exact survey. And whereas, for the better and more advantageous dispatch thereof, it hath also been ordered that Benjamin Worsley, surveyor-generall, and Doctor William Petty, should be joyntly authorized and impowered to carry on the said work, and to imploy such fitt and able artists in it as they should think fitt; it is, for the further management and direction of the said survey, thought fitt and ordered, that the said surveyor-generall and Doctor William Petty do take care for the admeasurement, in the first place, of the moyety of the ten counties fallen by lott to the adventurers, and of the county of Lowth, and when, as much help is applyed for the survey of the said counties as conveniently can be, that they do likewise use all possible expedition for the admeasurement of the rest of the land above-mentioned set out to the disbanded in 1653. In the admeasurement of which said lands, set out to the said disbanded, they are also to take care and provide that an exact returne be had of the present proprietors of each land, and who the said proprietors do clayme their right from, whether immediately from the Commonwealth for any arreares due to them, or from any other person passing or conveying his said right over to them, and who the said persons are. And it is further ordered, that the several artists imployed by the said surveyor-generall and Doctor Petty for the admeasuring of the above said lands, be, before they enter into the said employment, duely sworn according to the directions of the Act, and that they be required to pursue these or the like instructions following (viz.): —

You shall well and sufficiently survey and admeasure, or cause to be surveyed and admeasured, all the honors, castles, manors, lands, tenements, and hereditaments of or lately belonging to all and every the rebels, in any of the baronies of the ten half-counties in Ireland, fallen by lott to the adventurers (and mentioned in the late "Act for Satisfaction of the Adventurers and Souldiers of the 26th of September, 1653"); as likewise all honors, castles, mannors, lands, tenements, and hereditaments of or lately belonging to all and every the rebels, in the county of Lowth and county of Letrim, and also all the lands, tenements, and hereditaments of, or lately belonging to all and every the rebels, in any of the baronies within the county of Cork, Kilkeny, Longford, Lowth, Cavan, Monaghan, Ffermanagh, Sligo, and Mayo, heretofore appointed to be set out to the officers and souldiers disbanded in 1653; and all the lands forfeited by virtue or fforce of the severall Acts of Parliament, or any of them, which shall ly or be in the said baronies, or in any of them, and all the forfeited meadow, arable, and profitable pasture belonging to each of the said honors, baronies, castles, mannors, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, as part and parcel of the said lands respectively, and every and any of them distinctly to survey, admeasure, and set forth by the instrument, so as each of the same may be certainly and distinctly known from other lands by their qualities, quantities, names, scituation, parish, or place where the same do ly, with their metes and bounds, the boggs, woods, and barren mountaines belonging to the respective premises, or any of them, being mentioned and distinguished from other lands in every such survey.

You are to survey or cause to be surveyed and admeasured with the instrument, all the said lands mentioned in the aforesaid article, into the smallest and lowest denominations that

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