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them, appointed commissioners for the surveying the county of Limerick, a transcript of all the forfeited lands, as alsoe of all lands belonging to the Crown, or any archbishop, bishopp, deane, dean and chapter, or other officer of that hierarchye, lying in the barronies of Clanwilliam, Kilmallock, Small County, Owny Begg, Coshma, Costleane, citty and libertyes of Limerick aforesaid, which are to be admeasured by you.

In the admeasuring of which, if any of the said forfeited lands or other lands given you in charge to admeasure by your commission, lye wholly surrounded or meared with lands not forfeited nor in the dispose of the Commonwealth, you are, as oft as the same shall happen, to surround and admeasure every such parcell of forfeited land by itselfe, whither the said parcell be little or great, or doe conteyne more or lesse number of acres.

Where the said forfeited lands, or other lands to be admeasured by you as aforesaid, or any of them, are meared partly by lands not forfeited nor in the dispose of the Commonwealth, partly by mountayne, lough, bogg, or the like unprofitable land, you are in such cases to surround and admeasure by instrument the said profitable lands only, the said unprofitable mountaynes or boggs, if belonging to the premisses, or any part thereof, being to be estimated by you, and by some tying-lyne or otherwise, exprest in your plotts.

Where any large parcell of the said forfeited lands shall lye togeither in any barrony conteyning the estates and proprietyes of severall persons who have forfeited the same, if within the said parcell there shall not be mixed any land unforfeited, nor any barren mountaynes, lough, bogg, or other land unprofitable, nor any lands lately belonging to the Crowne, or to any archbishop, bishop, deane, deane and chapter, or other officer of that hierarchye, in right of their respective officers, you are in all such cases to admeasure exactly with your instruments only the outlines or bounds of the said parcell, and accordingly to cast up the contents of the whole, subdividing and distinguishing by estimate the estates of the severall proprietors within the said parcell and the quantityes of each of them respectively.

Where any large parcell of fforfeited land shall lye togeither in any barrony conteining as aforesaid the estates and proprietyes of severall persons who have forfeited the same, if within the said parcel of forfeited land there shall be scituate other smaller parcells of land not forfeited, or of lands lately belonging to the Crowne, or to any archbishop, bishop, deane, deane and chapter, or any other officer of that hierarchye, in the right of his or their office as aforesaid, or of lands barren and unprofitable, you are in such cases, besides the admeasurement of the outline or bounds of the said parcell of forfeited lands, exactly to admeasure with the instrument all such parcells of land by themselves as are not forfeited, likewise all such as are Crowne lands and Church lands, and all as are barren and unprofitable.

Where any parcell of lands forfeited belonging to one or more proprietors, and lying altogether, shall extend it selfe unto severall barronies, and be scituate parte in one barrony, parte in some other barrony, if the barrony or barronyes in which part of the said forfeited lands doe lye be not any of the barronies mentioned in your commission, you are in such case to admeasure with the instrument soe much of the said parcell of fforfeited lands only as lyeth within the barronies, you are to admeasure and to note the same as part only of the said proprietors' lands.

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