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Provided nevertheless, that if any officer or soldier so to be disbanded holdeth any custodium in any of the said five counties, or in the counties of Dublin, Kildare, Caterlaugh, and Cork, as aforesaid, and is there seated, and desires to retain the same, you are hereby impowered and authorized to contract with such officer and officers, soldier or soldiers, for houses and lands, with the appurtenances contained in such custodium, at such rates and values as you shall think fit for the advantage of the Commonwealth (having a due respect therein to the charge which hath been laid out by such officer or soldier in repairing or building upon the premises), and to allow the moneys due for such arrears as aforesaid unto such officer or soldier in payment of the purchase-money for the same, and in case the purchase shall amount to more then the arrears so due to such officer or soldier, then such remainder of the purchase-money shall be paid in to the publique treasury of Ireland for the use of the Commonwealth, and that such officer and officers, soldier and soldiers, shall by force thereof hold and enjoy the same according to such contract, which, together with the survey of the premises so contracted for, you shall cause to be returned to the said register, to be safely kept with the rest of the surveys.
Ex. Jo. Thurloe, Secretary.
The further Instructions confirmed by this Act.