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in arrear, as well unto the officers and soldiers who have been imployed in reducing the said rebels, as which have been lent, advanced, or are grown due for arms, ammunition, provisions, and other supplies for that service.

And whereas it is declared, that the said rebels are subdued, and that the rebellion in Ireland is appeased and ended, to the end that satisfaction may be made unto the adventurers, officers, soldiers, and other persons aforesaid, as soon as possible may be, and that countrey of Ireland planted and setled with security unto the inhabitants, and such as shall plant the same; We, reposing trust and confidence in your care and faithfulness, have constituted, ordained, and appointed, and by these presents do constitute, ordain, and appoint you our commissioners, giving and granting unto you, or any two or more of you, full power and authority in pursuance of the said Acts and ordinances to put in execution all and every the instructions hereunto annexed, for the exact and perfect survey and admeasurement of all and every the honors, baronies, castles, manors, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, forfeited by force or vertue of all or any of the said Acts; and also of all and every the honors, baronies, castles, manors, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, belonging to the Crown of England in the year one thousand six hundred and thirty, or any time since, or late belonging to any archbishop, bishop, dean, dean and chapter, or other office belonging to that hierarchy in right of the archbishoprick, deanery, or other office aforesaid.

And we do further hereby give power and authority to you our said commissioners, or two or more of you, to nominate and appoint such fit and able persons to be surveyors-general, and also to approve or reject, as you shall finde cause, such person and persons as shall be nominated unto you by the said surveyors-general to be employed as surveyors under them for the purposes aforesaid, and to constitute and appoint a fit person of integrity and ability (for such an imployment) to be register for the said lands, to execute and perform the office of register according to the instructions aforesaid, so far as the same concern the register.

And we do hereby further authorize you our said commissioners, or any two or more of you, to administer to all and every the said surveyors-general, register, deputy-register, and under-surveyors, before they enter upon the execution of their respective places, the oath and oaths respectively in and by the said instructions appointed to be administred, and to administer an oath in such other cases as are hereby appointed; and to appoint such and so many clerks and other officers onely as shall be necessary for the speedy perfecting the said work, and to give your warrant and warrants for payment from time to time of such moneys as shall be payable unto them and every of them for their respective salaries, out of the forfeited lands or publique revenues of Ireland, &c., in such maner as by the said instructions is appointed; and to do or cause to be done all and every other act and acts, thing and things, directed by or contained in the said instructions.

Witness our selves, at Westminster, &c.

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