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Persons employed herein not to be purchasers.Provided always and be it hereby declared, that no surveyor-general, register, under-surveyor, or any other person imployed in the execution of this service, his or their childe or children, during the time of their imployment, or any in trust for him or them, shall be admitted directly or indirectly to be a purchaser of any part of the lands to be surveyed, upon pain that the purchase be void unless that they do first acquaint the commissioners of Parliament with their desires, and obtain license from them for the same.
Such shall have lands set out for arrears of publique debts.Provided always, that if any of the aforesaid persons to be imployed by this Act, their childe or children, heirs or executors, have arreares or publique debts due unto them from the Parliament which shall be allowed of as aforesaid, that the commissioners of Parliament be, and are hereby authorized to lay out and make over lands for their satisfaction in such manner and at such rates as are appointed by this present Act for other arrears or debts of the same nature.
Lands in Connaught and Clare, except Sligo, reserved.Provided always, that this Act, or anything therein contained, do not extend unto the forfeited lands in the province of Connaught and the county of Clare, nor any part thereof, for the ends and purposes aforesaid; except the lands about Sligo, and upon the sea-coast in this Act before-mentioned, to be assigned and set apart for the said forces lately disbanded, but that the said forfeited lands within the said province and county except as aforesaid, shall be and hereby are reserved and appointed for the habitation of all the Irish nation, comprehending in the qualifications mentioned in the Act, entituled, "An Act for setling Ireland," and for other the ends and uses specified and appointed in the foresaid further instructions from the council of state to the said commissioners, who are to dispose of the same accordingly.
Commissioners may direct transplantation before the claims determined.Provided also, that in case the said commissioners of Parliament shall finde it inconvenient or dilatory to proceed in the first place to the ascertain-