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Mines excepted.Provided that all and every the mines of silver and gold in and upon any of the said forfeited lands disposable by this Act, be reserved and exempted from sale, to be kept for the best advantage of the Commonwealth; and that all dues and rights payable out of any other mines be still paid and continued to the use of the publique, according to the laws and statutes in that behalf.
Protestants may purchase or farm houses or lands.And be it further enacted and declared by this present Parliament, and the authority of the same, that it shall and may be lawful for all persons of what nation soever, professing the Protestant religion, to purchase or take to farm any of the aforesaid forfeited houses and lands in Ireland so set out, allotted, sold, demised or otherwise disposed of, or any other the forfeited lands in Ireland, not hereby disposed of, and to inhabit, dwell, and plant in and upon them or any of them, and in any of the counties, cities, or towns mentioned in this Act, to be peopled, inhabited, and dwelt in; Privileges. and that all and every such person and persons shall have and enjoy all rights, priviledges, freedoms, and immunities which belong unto, or may lawfully be claimed by Protestants, natives of this Commonwealth, both in England and Ireland.