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Moneys lent.And likewise the said remainder of the said forfeited lands is to be set out and disposed of for the just satisfaction of all such persons, their executors, administrators, or assigns, bodies politique or corporate, as have lent monies upon the publique faith; and of all such persons as by order of the lords justices and council of Ireland, did, before the cessation made with the rebels of Ireland by the Earl of Ormond, on the fifteenth day of September, Provisions. in the year one thousand six hundred forty and three, deliver for the use of the Parliament's army there, any moneys, arms, ammunition, victuals, clothes, or other provisions, for which they received bonds from the said lords justices and council, or some of them, or bills of exchange, or letters of that nature, or warrants from the lords justices and council, to receive satisfaction for the same from the Parliament, or from the treasury then in England, or who furnished any money, commodities, provisions, or supplies of any kind, to or for the use of the forces under Colonel Michael Jones, Sir Charles Coot, or Colonel George Monck, in the Parliament's service, or for the use of the Parliament's forces in the province of Munster, before the revolt from the Parliament, or for the maintenance of the forces in the town of Drogheda, when it was besieged by the rebels in the year one thousand six hundred forty and one, or who by commission set out, manned, or maintained any ships or vessels for opposing and suppressing the said Irish rebels, and have good warrants, certificates, receipts, attestations, or vouchers, to make the same appear, and of all such persons who have made Debts made appear. their debts to appear unto the Parliament, the council of state, or any committee of Parliament in a preparatory way for a report to be made to the Parliament for their satisfaction, or unto any other persons authorized by the Parliament to take Moneys or commodities advanced by authority of Parliament or for which payment is ordered. knowledge of and allow those debts, or who did advance money, or furnish any commodities by order of Parliament, or of any committee of Parliament, authorized in that behalf, for the service of Ireland; or have procured any Act, ordinance, or order of Parliament, or any committee of Parliament thereunto authorized, for payment to be made unto them; they and every of the said person or persons, their executors, administrators, or assigns, to whom all or any such debts as aforesaid do belong, making oath before the committee at Grocers' Hall in this Act mentioned (who are hereby authorized to administer the same, and thereupon to give a certificate thereof under the hands and seals of any five or more of them), or before the commissioners of Parliament, or commissioners for accounts in Ireland, expressly deposing that satisfaction hath not been made for the same, or any part thereof now demanded to be satisfied in land; and the said person or persons to whom such debts were or shall be respectively due, not having So as the debts have not been forfeited. by their or any of their delinquencies forfeited the same, their said debts shall be taken notice of, examined and stated by the aforesaid commissioners for