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Supply for the adventurers in case the moyety of the ten counties shall not be sufficient.And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that in case the moyety of the said ten counties shall not be sufficient to satisfie the debt of the said adventurers, then the remainder thereof shall be satisfied by such lands as are forfeited in the county of Lowth, within the province of Leinster, excepting the barony of Atherdee, and what shall be defective in the other moyety of the said ten counties, to satisfie the arrears of the army in Ireland, that have accrewed and grown due since the fifth of June, one thousand six hundred forty and nine, together with such other arrears as became due unto them for their service in England before the said fifth day of June, one thousand six hundred forty and nine,Supply for the arrears in Ireland, in case of defect. shall be made up and satisfied unto them out of the surplusage of the moyety of the ten counties alotted to the adventurers, in case any such surplusage shall appear to be, and out of the county of Lowth, except the barony of Atherdee as aforesaid, or out of the forfeited lands of other counties in Ireland, to be appointed by the said commissioners, or such other as the Parliament shall authorize thereunto, at the same rates and with the same advantages, and in the way and maner as is prescribed for them that have their payment out of the ten fore-mentioned counties; and whereas it is found necessary, for the Satisfaction for arrears of forces disbanded. satisfaction of the arrears of those forces of the army in Ireland- who were lately disbanded, or are within short time to be disbanded, that several proportions of forfeited lands be set forth in several parts, other then in the aforesaid ten counties; that is to say, out of the province of Connaught, such of the forfeited lands beginning at the end of one statute mile round the town of Sligo, and so winging upon the sea-coast, not above four miles distant from the sea, as should satisfie part of the said forces; and out of the barony of Atherdee, in the county of Lowth, in the province of Leinster, and out of the baronies of Maghere, Stephany, and Clanowley, in the county of Farmanagh, in the province of Ulster, and out of the baronies of Farmoy du Hawley, Condons, Arrora, Carbery, Kilmote, Kilmolee, and Kilnocker, in the county of Cork, such other of the forfeited lands within the same, as should satisfie the rest of the said forces in the apportioning or distribution, of which care is to be taken that there is an assigning or alotment of lands as they lie together, without intervals.
Lands set out to the persons disbanded by the commissioners to be enjoyed.And that none shall pick or chuse as they lie dispersedly, or at distance one from another within the said baronies, be it therefore enacted, and it is hereby enacted by the authority aforesaid, that such forfeited lands in all or any the baronies or places aforesaid as are or shall be by the said commissioners in this act