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maine of those that were undertaken by him; and yett, nevertheless, by vertue of the power and interest hee then had, did gett up his bonds given in for the said contract, and did obtaine an order for cancelling the said contract, to the great wrong, prejudice, and disatisfaction of the whole army.

6thly. Whereas the said summe of 1d uppon every acre of land lyeable to the satisfaction of the army, if the whole admeasured within the security of the souldiers had been actually sett out by the said Dr, did amount only unto 8393li 3s; and whereas the said 8393li 3s the said Dr hath acknowledged to have received from the severall lists and regiments of the army, 5728li 3s being the full, and more then the lands sett out by him to the souldiers did, at the said rate of one 1d per acre, amount unto; and did further receive an order from the Councill for the collecting of a penny per acre uppon all persons whatsoeever that were not comprehended in the said Act, and were to have any lands satisfyed uppon loose debentures, which accordingly was putt in execution by a standing rule in the office of the said Dr, and was the utmost that therefore could possibly be demanded by the said Dr, either according to the letter or equity of the said contract; the said Dr, notwithstanding the said full satisfaction ordered unto him as aforesaid, under colour of the said pence, and under an undue suggestion and pretence that the said 5728li 3s was by his contract to be made up by the Councill the summe totall of 8393li 3s and without any other right, did receive in money, by warrant from the Councill, 2665li, to make up the said summe of 8393li 3s as afforesaid, besides the further allowance of 421li 10s 6d and 440li 10s 8d, more then could uppon any accompt strictly be required by him, and yett, not content with this wrong putt uppon the Councill, did allsoe, uppon the same pretence that still there was but part of the said pence paid to him by the army, and by colour of an order of the Councill, dated the 6th of March, 1656, which, referring to an order of the 11th of February foregoing, did respect noe such thing, claime and receive as a debt due to him the said 2665li, soe actually paid, once againe, and 516li more, that was unworthily forged and falsifyed by him, as appeares by accompts given in by himselfe, to the cousenage of the Commonwealth of 5846li, and to the dishonest and inconscientiouse gaining and receiving to himselfe a payment and satisfaction, under pretence of one and the same thing, three times over.

7thly. That notwithstanding the severall unwarrantable practises of the said Dr, for the gaining of the chiefest and the richest land within the security of

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