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hath the pardon which he never shall appeare to want; the which articles, with the order of Parliament thereuppon, are as followeth, vizt:

Articles of high Misdemeanours, Frauds, Breach of Trusts, and severall other Crimes, presented against Dr William Petty by Collonell H. Sankey.

1st. That whereas the said the Doctor was, by the late authority of the Lord Lieutenant and Councill of Ireland, intrusted as a Commissioner, with others, for setting forth of the forfeited lands to the officers and souldiers there, according to their severall and respective arreares, the said Doctor, contrary to the said trust, and contrary to all good conscience and right, hath, by his owne arbitrary power, and through the undue complyance of his other fellow 15483a Comissioners, possessed himselfe of fifteene thousand four hundred eighty-three acres of lands, belonging to the souldiers security, which, according to the rate of the Act, and to the quota or rule for satisfaction of the army, doeth amount unto 10188li 12s; whereas, uppon a strict examination and inquisition made by a committee of the army appointed thereunto by an order of the said Councill, it doth appeare that he hath noe right to claime any lands for more then 3480li 18s; to the plaine damage, therefore, of the armyes security, and defrauding the Commonwealth of 6711li 18s, as is ready further to be proved uppon record.

2dly. That whereas the said Dr, uppon his request to the late Lord Lieutenant and Councill, had license from the said Councill, by an order dated the 5th of March, 1656, to redeeme or disengage lands in what place soever he should choose, within the three provinces of Leinster, Munster, and Ulster, not exceeding 1000a in each province, provided that the lands to bee redeemed were mortgaged for more then their value, did, according to their respective rates of the Act, really amount unto, provided allsoe, that nothing were done by occasion of the said redemption to the prejudice of the Comonwealth or of the army; and whereas by severall accompts, as allsoe by severall other papers given in by the said Doctor himselfe, the said Dr uppon his repute hath affirmed that the said redemption did really cost him 1262li 10s. Itt hath allsoe appeared to the said committee, and is ready to be proved, that part of the said lands soe redeemed by the said Dr were mortgaged for such summes as were under the said Act rates; part of the said lands were unduely and collu-
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