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Wherefore wee humbly pray your Lordshipps further order that the said papers, with what other papers, books, or mapps of survey as wee shall have occasion for from time to time, may be shewed unto us, and wee admitted to copie the same, if wee shall find cause, which wee judge is noe less then your Lordshipps former order did allow of, but not consented unto by the Doctor, in regard the same is not clearely exsprest.

Ric. Lawrence. Hen Flower.
Jos. Deane. Edw. Warren.

By the Lord Lieutenant and Councill.

The Lord Lieutenant and Councill, adhearing to their former of the 10th instant, exspect the charge therein mentioned, and formerly delivered by word of mouth from Collonell Lawrence unto this board, to [bee] brought in on Wednesday morning next. Dated att the Councill chamber, Dublyn, the 14th of March, 1658.

Tho. Herbert, Clerk of the Councill.

On the 15th ditto their charge called exceptions comes in, vizt:

To his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant and the Right Honourable the Councill of Ireland.

In obedience to your Lordshipps orders, requiring us to give in our exceptions in writeing concerning the satisfaction had and desired by Dr William Petty, and of our not signing the report, wee humbly tender them by him drawne, vizt:

1st. It doth not appeare to us, having inspected into the nature of the satisfaction he hath allready had, and what he further demands, that there is any such legall debt due to the said Doctor as 11059li, his whole debentures purchased, as given in to us and alleadged to be all amounting to noe more then 3225li 15sd, or thereaboutes.

2ndly. Itt appeares by the list lately given in to us, that the lands which the Dr is now possessed of in the three provinces, according to the Act rates, amount to 8724li 11s, or thereaboutes, which, if sett out according to the quota of 57, which hath been the knowne rule of the army, would pay 11210li, or thereaboutes.

3rdly. That the said Doctor hath endeavoured to charge uppon the armyes

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