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6thly. That all proceedings, since the 1st of December last untill your Lordshipps sentence hereuppon, may be published in print, and that some indifferent notary bee forthwith appointed to that purpose; and that your Lordshipps would consider that without this, these proceedings, which may bee a ruine to your petitioner, will be but sport to his adversaryes, allthough they miscarry, they staking nothing to your petitioners whole estate and reputation.

And he shall pray,
William Petty.

By the Lord Lieutenant and Councill.


That Collonell Richard Lawrence, Lieutenant-Collonell Fflower, Captain Joseph Deane, Captain Edward Warren, Captain Shaw, and the rest of the officers who have complained against the undue proceedings of Dr Petty in order to his satisfaction, be permitted to take copies of such orders as have been granted by this board as the pretended ground and lycense of such the said Drs satisfaction, or other orders relating to this bussinesse, and that they prepare a charge under their hands, to bee delivered unto Sir Thomas Herbert, Knight, one of the clerkes of the Councill, on Monday next, against the said Dr Petty, as they shall find cause. Dated at the Councill chamber in Dublyn, the 11th of March, 1658.

Tho. Herbert, Clerk of the Councill.

In consequence whereof they present another petition.

to his excellency the lord lieutenant and councill of ireland.

The humble Petition of the Committee of Officers


That your petitioners, in observance of your Lordshipps order bearing date the 10th day of March instant, did repaire to Commissioners office for setting out lands, exspecting there to have had a view or copies of such papers as were necessary for the enabling of them to performe the worke required at our hands by the said order, and desired a copie of Drs Pettyes accompt, with his petition and reasons thereunto annexed, offered to our consideration by your Lordshipps, uppon which the late report to this board and our exceptions were grounded; but the Dr is not willing to lett us have any further view of the said papers.

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