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these proceedings before the Councill are but to prepare and enable your petitioners adversarys to vex him hereafter at law, and the enquiries desired tend only to the same purpose.

That your petitioner, to vindicate himselfe and your Lordshipps who having imployed him, is willing to proceed any wayes, only begging your Lordshipps just care of him in the following particulars, vizt:

1st. That of the irregularityes alleadged to be in the whole worke of the Comissioners for setting out lands, those which concerne your petitioners owne porticular may bee first scanned, and that such your petitioners irregularityes may bee ascertained in writing, and that such as are parties will vouch the same, exspressing the names of those persons whom they represent in these proceedings.

2dly. That your Lordshipps will putt this cause into such a way of tryall as your petitioner, after sentence one way or other, may be lyable to noe more molestation, but may have reparation for the defamations he hath or shall suffer, not allowed of by your Lordshipps said sentence, and that there be some security ascertained for this purpose.

3dly. That your petitioner, having justified his owne satisfaction by way of particular appointment, may have his remainder out of such like satisfactions formerly made unto and procured by the officers of the army, and especially out of theires who have signed any of the late petitions or have acted uppon them, or who were present at their meetings, not having protested against them.

4thly. That if your Lordshipps doubt of the right which his Highness hath to the enhauncements uppon dear termes assigned to your petitioners by your Lordshipps, your Lordshipps would give him leave to make good the same in the Exchequer, allowing your petitioner halfe for the said discovery, and that in the meane time your Lordshipps, withdrawing your allowance of them to your petitioner, would give him leave to putt in debentures in lieu of them, such as have been satisfyed to many others.

5thly. That after your petitioners adversaryes have made what search they please in the office of Commissioners for setting out lands, in order to a charge against your petitioner, that then noe further use may be made or required of the bookes and papers of the said office, excepting such as were delivered out of other offices thereinto, untill your petitioner have an allowance and quantum meruit of the said bookes, &c.

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