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To his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant and Councill.

May it please your Lordshipps,

In obedience to your Lordshipps order of the 21 of Ffebruary last, made uppon the addresse and demand of Dr William Petty to the Commissioners for setting forth lands to the army, and by them presented to your Lordshipps consideration, wee have heard and considered the allegations and reasons whereuppon the said Doctor demandeth 6834li worth of land to bee sett out unto him, in satisfaction of 3138li 12s 3d only, and what other allegations the Dr was pleased to offer to us, and doe find as followeth, vizt:

1st. That, by severall orders of your Lordshipps, the said Doctor hath been lycensed to receive full satisfaction, within the security of the army, for 5581li 14s 3d; and, in behalfe of himselfe and Mrs Carey, five-seaventh parts of one thousand pounds, and the proceed of two thousand pounds layd out in debentures, which amounts to 5476li 3s 9d; in all, the summe of 11059li 18s.

2dly. Itt doth not appeare unto us that the said Doctor and Mrs Carey have as yett received satisfaction for any more then 7918li 4s 10d, in pursuance of the said orders; so as there remaines unsatisfyed 3139li 13s 2d.

3dly. Itt appeares very probable unto us, that the said summe of 7918li 4s 10d allready satisfyed, and the 3139li 13s 2d which remaines unsatisfyed, might cost the Dr in that way which he purchased them 4625li, or thereabouts; which said summe of 4625li, if a moyetie thereof had been layd out in the yeare 1655 in debentures, which is alleadged might then have been bought at the best rate for 5s per li, and the other moyety in the year 1656, in debentures, att 6s per li the whole would have come to 14756li, which is 3698li more then the Doctor hath been yett lycensed to buy.

4thly. That hee offereth to prove, by the oathes of severall men, that the full profitts of all the lands sett out for his satisfaction exceedeth not, since the 24th of Aprill, 1657, the summe of 800li.

Itt allsoe appeares that there hath been three thousand acres redeemed by the said Dr, formerly mortgaged, and that, whilst held by the persons claiming these mortgages, were subject to noe quitt rent, but are thereby now brought into charge as to their future quitt rents, besides above 700li in money saved to the Commonwealth.

Wee allsoe find that your Lordshipps first orders to the Commissioners for

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