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bestow my money att advantagiouse seasons, which my employment as a Comissioner with you deprived me of, as allsoe to reward my paines in and about the said service; I humbly offer to your considerations, that, by all the satisfactions I have hitherto received, neither of the said ends are answered, but that my selfe have lost above three thousand pounds, and the State have gained very neer as much, by the very way and manner of making the said satisfaction unto mee.

Wherfore, in order att least to repaire my said loss of opportunityes, I humbly demand that the remainder of the said 11059li 18s, being 3138li 13s 3d of quotas, may bee satisfied forthwith, with soe much lands as at the usuall rates will amount unto 6834li, since the same may bee done without prejudice to the army, and with less difficulty then by allowing full satisfaction, as hath been done to many, uppon which accompt I might claime 2191li towards the 3696li, which I demand above my reall debt, the reason of which unusuall and seemingly extravagant demand I humbly propose as followeth:

1st. The said debt of 11059li, for which I have leave to bee satisfyed, cost me in ready money 4625li which said summe would have purchased a neat satistisfyeable debt of 14756li, which exceeds my lycense by the above mentioned summe of 3696li.

2dly. Allthough I had lycense to bee satisfyed for the said 11059li, yett have hitherto been satisfyed for my selfe and Mrs. Carey noe more then 7918li 4s, soe as there yett remaineth the above mentioned summe of 3138li 13s 3d.

3dly. I have not received in ready 350li in rent out of all the lands yett sett out unto mee, nor is there due unto me 500li arreare, both which summes doe not afford mee above eight per centum interest for the said summe of 4625li, which I have really disbursed in purchase of the said lands.

4thly. The State hath gained seaven hundred pounds in cleare money by the way and manner of my satisfaction, besides the perpetuall quitt rents of three thousand acres of lands, and have hitherto saved what I might reasonably exspect for all the paines, care, and contrivance, losses, calumnies, and dangers, by mee borne and incurred, by reason of this service, since the 20th of May, 1656; the totall of which three particulars I leave to your owne estimation.

5thly. That the advantage of enhaunced rates above depressed rates, not designed and contrived, but only observed and computed by me to the States lawfull and great advantages, will abundantly justifie the above mentioned equitable reparation I desire uppon severall accompts.

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