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same in charge, whensoever in his wisedome he shall judge it just and convenient; but allsoe that certaine reference may be had thereto by any Act of Parliament which may confirme the same.

And in order thereunto, your petitioners further pray—

That all leidger bookes, wast bookes, pie books, and all duplicates, extracts, certificats, discoveryes, propositions, petitions, orders of the Councill, orders of the Commissioners for setting out lands, either preparatory, intentionall, de bene esse, or finall and conclusive, and all charts and mapps, surveyes, and all other bookes and papers whatsoever which doe or have at any time belonged to the office of the Comissioners for setting out lands, be forthwith delivered and putt into the joint custody of the said committee and the said Comissioners for setting out lands, to be perused, examined, and audited for the ends afforesaid; and that the said comittee may have power to send for persons, papers, and records.

And because the Commonwealth is obliged to sett out lands in satisfaction of arreares, which can not bee done without charge to them; and because your petitioners have been sufficiently damnifyed by their forbearance, and by payment for the survey, and diverse other summes relating to the setting out lands; and because your petitioners were not the cause that a worke of this nature is now to doe; and lastly, because his Highness ministers can never putt the land in charge without doeing this, or something equivalent thereunto,

They pray that your Lordshipps would from time to time issue such money as shall be necessary for the effectuall carryeing on of the said worke.

And they shall pray.

Har. Waller.
Ant. Morgan.
Tho. Long.
Will. Arnop.
Jo. Nelson.
Rob. Ormsby.
Theo. Sandford.
Robt. Thornehill.
Jam. Stopford.
Ch. Coote.
Hie. Sankey.
Tho. Coot.
Tho. Sadler.
Pet. Wallis.
Ric. Lawrence.
Jos. Deane.
Ja. Hand.
Will. Shaw.

Uppon which was given the following order, and the letter afore recited, chap. 16, dispatcht away for my comming over.

irish arch. soc.

2 M


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