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forfeited lands thereof, as allsoe the printed proposalls to the adventurers, wee are of opinion—

That the rebells are sufficiently declared to bee subdued and attainted, as farr as such declaration and attainder was necessary to warrant the generall proceedings, all pretended defects whatsoever being supplyed in the subsequent Act of Confirmation, Sept. 1653, generally called the Act of Satisfaction; and all the defects of attainder whatsoever being supplyed by the relation which that Act of Attainder hath in law unto the possessions which the rebells had in the yeare 1641, or at any time after, though the Act of Attainder it selfe was not passed untill 1656.

That the committee of claimes, otherwise called the committee of lottery, sitting at Grocers Hall, vizt, Methuselah Turner, &c., have as full power over the moyety of the ten countyes and barronyes therein contained, which falls to the adventurers share, and in case of deficiency, then over the county of Lowth, excepting Atherdee, to distribute and sett forth out of the same to each adventurer his proportion, as the Commissioners of Parliament had power to doe in the other moiety of the ten countyes allotted to the souldiery, though those two clauses bee of different penning.

That uppon an abstract of the grosse survey returned, and division soe made betweene the adventurers and souldiers as afforesaid, the committee of claimes did well and legally proceed to allott unto each andventurer his proportion in a certaine province, county, and barrony, and give them their certificate thereoff, which being carried to Dublyn and registred according to the Act of Satisfaction, though the lands themselves be not registred by particular denominations, yet that being done, and the subdivision of the committee of adventurers following thereuppon, there is sufficient to give that adventurer an actuall seisin of the lands soe allotted, and he is thereby in actuall seisin thereof; and an order of the Councill of Ireland to give possession was noe way necessary in law, though it were an act of good caution and discretion in them that did.

That uppon the comparing of the Act of Confirmation in 1656, cap. 10 and 23, with the Act of Satisfaction in 1653, to which it doeth expressly relate, and the ordinance of August, 1654, which exspired in June, 1655, the allottments made by the comittee of adventurers, and all the proceedings thereuppon had, are likewise declared and adjudged to be good, firme, and effectuall to all intents and purposes whatsoever, and are thereby for ever ratifyed and confirmed.

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